In this weeks Torah portion Bo, we continue the story of Moses' struggle against Pharaoh, with the final three plagues: Locusts, Darkness, and the Slaying of the First Born. With this ultimate plague, the Jewish people are finally released from Egypt.
This incredible moment from Egypt forms the root of Jewish identity. Most Jewish holidays directly or indirectly commemorate it and it is mentioned daily in Jewish prayer. Indeed, God will subsequently identify himself not as the creator of heaven and earth, but as the Lord, your God, who delivered you from Egypt. We are taught by the Hassidic commentators that we don't have miracles like the parting of the Red Sea or the Exodus in our time. Our role they teach us, is to seek ways to create our own miracles by the good we do in the world. I couldn't help this week but draw a strong connection to what we are witnessing in Haiti.
Even with the problems the response and outpouring has been amazing. I must admit I have a great deal of pride especially for Israel. The other day I watched Dr. Jennifer Furin, of Harvard Medical School, as she stood in desperation and frustration over a dying patient interviewed on CNN. The man had survived the earthquake only to die from infection in an ill-equipped hospital.
“I’ve been here since Thursday,” Furin said. “No one but the Israelis has taken any of our patients.”
Two jumbo jets carrying more than 220 doctors, nurses, civil engineers, and other Israeli army personnel, including a rescue team and field hospital, were among the first rescue teams to arrive in Haiti. In fact, they were the first foreign backup team to set up medical treatment at the partially collapsed main hospital in Port-au-Prince. When others feared their saftey and felt hte need to stay the Israeli team remained.
“Our medical aid delegation to Haiti expresses the true heritage of the State of Israel and the Jewish People,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “This act joins similar action we have taken in the past in Mexico, Kenya and Turkey. We may be a small country, but we are a country with a big heart. This is the expression of Jewish ethics and heritage – to help others.”
Critics are already saying Israel is just trying to fix its world image. It doesn't matter what others may say it matters instead what we accomplish and do.
In the midst of the tragedy and chaos in the Haitian capital, Israeli doctors, delivered a healthy baby boy in an IDF field hospital. When the baby's grateful mother, saw her newborn son, alive and well, she named him Israel in gratitude to the people and nation who brought her true miracle.
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